Rare earth magnets generally apply to a magnet called Alnico. Alnico magnets are very expensive and can be found inside hard drives, guitar amplifiers, and many other items. They are very strong…and also very expensive to buy.
What is inside an Alnico Magnet?
Aluminum, Copper, Cobalt, Titanium, and Iron. All of these, put together at the correct temperature and percentages, makeup one of the strongest magnets that you will ever see. These are commonly mistaken to be the magnets found in speakers, but those magnets are almost always ceramic and are worth no money. They are GREAT for using to check whether something sticks and whether it is ferrous or non-ferrous.
Magnetic Scrap Tip 1
If you use the magnets from speakers for checking steel and other ferrous items when scrapping (magnet sticks to ferrous metals), you can also use them to keep your workplace neat and tidy. If you connect the magnet to the end of a broomstick, you can collect the little nuts, bolts, nails, and screws that you have around from taking items apart. You can then put them all in a bucket together to scrap them when the bucket is full. You won’t believe how much weight in nails and bolts you will collect over time.
Bonus Scrap Tip 2
When you are using the magnets to collect nails and bolts, you can place a piece of saran wrap around the outside so that you can just pull it right off when you want to take the nails and bolts off. It’s a quicker way of working and cleaning up, giving you more time to scrap.
I hope this helps. Until next time, scrap ya later!