Top 8 Places to Find Scrap Copper

Where Do You Find Scrap Copper?

With copper being a highly sought-after commodity in the scrap metal industry, knowing where to look for scrap copper for your haul can pay off. Even when the scrap prices are low, copper scrap is still a great item to look for. The iScrap App wants to ensure you know some familiar places where you can find copper.

Places To Find Copper Scrap Near Me

When searching for all types of metal to bring to your yard, copper is usually one of the most common metals scrappers seek. Not only is it worth a lot of money, but it is common in many places where scrap copper can be found. Below, we list some familiar sites and appliances where you can find copper.

1. Remodeling/Demolition Sites

Did you ever stumble upon a demolition or remodeling site that needed someone to clean up the scrap? I wish we could all be so lucky! One valuable part of any demolition or remodeling site is the electrical wire that is usually picked up by the electrician for scrap when the job is over. If they’re not scrapping the wire for copper, ask to take it off their hands – then run with the trash before he changes his mind! If you have the time, it could be worth it to consider stripping the wire for the bare bright wire inside.

Suggested Reading: The Best Handheld Wire Strippers

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01/14/2025 04:31 am GMT

2. Copper Statues & Décor

We’ve all seen those hideous statues hidden in our garage or basement that someone thought would make the perfect lawn ornament or living room décor. Unfortunately, they thought wrong, so it luckily landed in your possession. Don’t frown whenever you go to Spring clean your garage at the little copper gnome smiling up at you. Go ahead and cash it in as scrap copper! Unless the Mrs. catches wind of it, and you didn’t ask first, you’ll breathe much easier!

3. Household Plumbing


Next time your pipes freeze in the middle of winter, think about the cash you can get for those copper pipes! Most lines and plumbing materials, like pipes and water heater parts, are copper. Don’t just throw them out when they need to be replaced; scrap them for extra cash! As the owner of the house or building, you have every right to ask your contractor to leave the leftover broken pipes with it.

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Want a bonus? There’s usually brass tied in with the copper, and you can scrap that, too!

4. Household Appliances


The older, the better! Older appliances have more copper, giving you more scrap and money. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, and air conditioners make great scrap appliances for their copper coils. Beware that most states have laws prohibiting devices from being scrapped unless done professionally (which your local scrap yard can take care of) because of the fumes. Take advantage of the other scrap inside your appliances, like the steel, for an extra buck! Remember, when taking apart appliances like refrigerators, get the proper service to remove freon.

Suggested Reading: How Do You Scrap A Refrigerator?

5. Roofing Cooper

Do you know anyone with copper roof accents? Over the past 20 years, replacing your roof with copper has become popular because of its long lifespan and the fact that copper is 100% environmentally friendly and recyclable. When a roof needs to be replaced or repaired, keep your eye out for the scrap copper and try to get your hands on it (legally, of course!) Also, sometimes, people can have copper gutters for accents on their houses. They can be collected and scrapped with roofing copper. If the roofing pieces have a lot of tar, separate them from the clean parts.

Check Current Roofing Copper Prices →

6. Old Electronics

If you’re desperate for extra cash, take your old electronics and their charges out of storage where they sit collecting dust and cutting out the copper wire. The electrical wire from your home can lead to large amounts of scrap copper, but it’s an entirely different story with electronic wiring. This work can be tedious since the wires are so small, and you’ll need a lot of it to make it worth your time, but when your wallet is thin, you must fill it! Also, be sure to remove the small transformers from the end of the wires, too.

Suggested Reading: How Do You Scrap An Air Conditioner?

7. Computers

The guts of a computer tower are easy to remove

You can also open up desktop computer towers for some good copper wires when searching through your electronics. The ribbon and smaller copper wires can be collected and brought to your scrap yard. The cables are typically too small to strip for the copper inside but can be ordered for computer wire scrap instead. After a while, you can collect about 1-2 pounds per computer tower, which can add up. Also, you may find copper heatsinks inside computers that you can order for scrap value.

Suggested Reading: How to Take Apart Scrap Computers (Step-by-Step Guide)

8. Kitchen Copper

You can search for copper in kitchens by seeing if there are any pots or pans. People often buy copper pans and pots for specific cooking styles or even use them for decorative purposes. The copper pots and pans will usually be thinner than typical pans, so they may not weigh as much but are still worth collecting. When you have copper pots for scrap, check the handles with a magnet, as the screw may be steel. Remove it from the copper pot to get the most money if this is the case.

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Where Are Your Best Places To Find Scrap Copper?

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