Preparing For Storms & Collecting Scrap Metal

scrap metal storm

During the later months in the Summer and the early months of Fall in the North America region, it’s usually storm season for hurricanes and tropical storms. Some historic storms like Sandy that slammed the East Coast, put scrappers in a position to not only collect scrap metal, but also provide assistance to their community during the storm clean ups.

Storm Season = More Scrap

Before we discuss the opportunities for scrapping during the storm seasons, some safety tips and procedures before, during, and after the storms are important to explore. While collecting scrap metal is always a tempting topic, we want to take time to bring attention to the severity of storms and how to take some precautions for you and your loved ones.

Steps for Preparing for Storm Season:

Board It Up & Tie It Down: Before the storm comes blowing in, be sure to board up any windows or doors to the best of your ability. It pays to have some extra plywood lying around that you can use for windows. Some regions in the gulf coast have storm shudders installed as a standard but for those that don’t be sure to protect your glass windows and doors. Also secure any loose materials or objects you may have outside of your house like lawn chairs, tables, lights, and lawn decorations. You don’t want anything picked up by strong winds that can potentially harm your property, someone else’s property, or even a person.

Store Your Car: If you have a garage, it may be a good idea to store you vehicle there. Even if you have some items in your garage taking up space, try to move it so you can fit your car. This is especially critical if you have trees in your area. You don’t want one to come crashing down on your car. Also consider your surrounding area if you need to move your car completely. Some areas that are prone to flooding may be a threat to put your car under water. So if you have safe and reliable options to bring your car to a higher elevation to be protected from flooding water, that can prevent some headaches.

Get Stocked Up: Also be prepared with a enough food and water for at least a week if it is a severe storm or hurricane coming through. It’s is always a good idea to have some extra water bottles or gallons in your house, but you don’t know what the situation could be like with electricity out and how long you could be deserted in your house. Also it’s a good idea to get some canned foods that don’t have to be refrigerated in case the power goes out. Also if you have a portable generator, be sure to have sufficient gasoline to refill your generator in case your power is out for a long period of time.

Charge Up: In this day in age, not only do we rely on our mobile phones on a regular basis, but they can be life saving accessories during storms. Be sure to have your phone fully charged as the storm is approaching. It is also a good idea to have a portable charger handy that you can use to recharge your phone if you lose power for an extended period of time. Also be sure to shut your internet services off your phone if you don’t need them, so you can conserve battery.

scrap storms

Where To Go: While the storm is blowing through it is smart to stay in a safe part of your house like the basement or bathtub (in tornados). No matter what kind of storm is rolling through it’s a good idea to stay away from windows and doors. Also if there are high winds anything underground is good or doorway frames. Be sure to have the food and water handy for any time, as well as a flashlight or candles in case the electricity goes out.

After The Storm Has Passed

After the storm has passed, be sure to check on family, friends, and neighbors to make sure they made it through the storm safely. Also be sure to offer assistance to neighbors to help them with any clean up efforts. They may be kind enough to give you some of the scrap metal from any damage that may have happened. When storms hit regions, human kindness is usually at an all-time but also remember that people are in fragile states. So be patient and just try to lend a helping hand where you can.

Some things to keep in mind while you begin looking for scrap after a storm are, be sure that the materials you may find are not claimed by anyone in the area, especially if it looks to be salvageable and near someone’s home. Some things that may seem like scrap to you, may in fact be something salvageable or meaningful to the owner. So be sure to try to find who it belongs to and see how you can help them clean up.

Also any electrical wires or busted pipes you may find along your route should be left alone. Downed electrical wires could still be live, even if the power is out in your area, and remember you are not legally allowed to take them from your streets. Similar to the wires are any drains or pipes you may see, if it is public municipal property you should contact the town and let them know. When you speak to them, let them know that you are willing to help with the clean up around town and they may be desperate for some helping hands, which could Lead to some extra scrap for you.

Some scrap items to look for during the storm clean-up are:

  • Aluminum Gutters & Siding
  • Aluminum Windows & Frames
  • Aluminum & Steel Doors
  • Aluminum Law Chairs, Tables, & Furniture
  • Aluminum, Stainless Steel, & Steel Sheds
  • Miscellaneous Steel & Iron
  • Car Parts
  • Galvanized Steel Lamp Poles
  • Downed Wires & Cables (Check with Town, May Be Live Wires)
  • Any other metal materials that may float away or are wind blown from properties
clean up scrap

Be sure to think safety first while preparing and weathering the storm. Scrapping the mess that is left behind can be very helpful to the community and to the funds to help fix any property damage you may have. Be sure to check the iScrap App for scrap yards that are up and running after the storm to find a place to bring your materials.

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