Options for Recycling Tires from Scrap Cars

Recycling Tires: What Do You Do?

Generally, you’ll always have leftover tires when you scrap cars and piece them out. Have you ever considered how to get rid of tires? Or where do they go after you? Over the years, tires have been something you’ve always had to pay to get rid of, somewhere between $1-5 a tire. Bigger truck tires can even cost up to $10 per tire to recycle.

On the other hand, if you can get someone to take them for you for FREE, that’s a win in our book. In general, expect to pay a few bucks each to get rid of scrap tires. Let’s say you’re an auto shop and scrapping several a week (and we’re talking two to four cars a week). It may be a good idea to save the tires until you have a considerable amount. Whether you have 30, 40, or 50 of any scrap, it saves you time and money when you can leverage a significant amount. So, theoretically, you will be charged less when getting rid of a large number of tires versus a small one.


Will Scrap Yards Take Tires?

Your scrap tires will most likely go to a tire recycler, where they will shred them, similar to how paper is shredded, or even steel at a mill is shredded, or even how copper is granulated. The tires go in the shredded, and three different components come out: fiber, steel wire, and rubber powder/granulate. Magnets are employed to separate the steel from the rest, and from there, the excess tire rubber is recycled and reused in numerous other applications.

What Can Recycled Tires Be Used For?

Recycled tire shred is used in far more ways than you’d think. The most widely known applications are probably turf fields and rubber tracks, which provide impact-absorbing cushioning. Other less-known uses?

  • Highways
  • Equine Infill and Pavers
  • Garden Mulch
  • Alternative Fuel for Manufacturers
  • Lightweight Fill and Drainage Enhancement 
  • Construction Materials
  • Consumer Products (automobile floor mats, spacers and washers, weightlifting plates, vehicle mudguards, stamped rubber products, and dock bumpers)
  • Sound Control

How Recycling Tires Helps the Environment

Tire recycling may be a massive inconvenience to those who frequently scrap cars. Still, it’s essential to know the disposal options you have in your area and what that means from a sustainability perspective. We know it may be tempting to find the most accessible disposal avenue, but sometimes, finding the right avenue is better served. Liberty Tire Recycling is an excellent example of an innovative and responsible tire recycler. They are dedicated to finding new and better ways to reclaim, recycle, and reuse scrap tires and making it easier for you, the scrapper, to recycle such a bothersome material. We’re trying to say that for the betterment of our planet, take it upon yourself to do the environmentally conscious thing and responsibly recycle tires, especially considering avenues once accessible are becoming more readily available.

Suggestions for Recycling Rubber Tires

Go ahead and take the time to research some viable tire recycling options in your area. Even talk to your local scrap yard and see how they dispose of scrap tires. Depending on the number of scrap cars you’re bringing in and if your yard even takes tires, you have two options: 1) If they take tires but charge you, see if they’ll take it straight off your ticket, or 2) If they take them and you are scrapper who brings in a large number of scrap cars, see if you can work out a long-term deal with them to forgo the tire charge. Remember, the more you offer, the better leverage you have to work out a favorable deal that will leave both the yard owner and scrapper happy. Like Tom always says, everything in life is negotiable. Happy Scrapping!