Getting the most money from your scrap metal is one of the most crucial scrapping goals. Find the right resources and ways to maximize your scrap profits, and you will be rolling in the scrap cash. If you want to become a full-time or part-time scrapper, it is essential to do your homework. Otherwise, you could lose a lot of money. Below are some excellent things to remember when you want to make more money with your scrap metal.
Know The Area

When you begin scrapping, two critical things to know are where the closest scrap yard is and what materials they accept. If you are new, finding a scrap yard can be difficult because you don’t notice them like a restaurant or grocery store. Instead, they are often tucked away in industrial spaces or down less-traveled roads. You can use the iScrap App on your mobile device for free to find a scrap yard. We list thousands of scrap yards and auto wreckers throughout the US & Canada.
Finding The Best Prices
When searching for a scrap yard, it is easy to find a close one, but that doesn’t mean it is the right one. Scrap Yard #1 may not pay top dollar for your copper wire, but Scrap Yard #2, five miles down the road, may. On the other hand, Scrap Yard #2 may not pay the best price for steel and iron, but Scrap Yard #1 does, so you bring your steel there. It is essential to know what materials your local yards accept and their pricing trends compared to those around you. Remember, it may take time to establish the best options, but trial and error are always good when looking to make the most money. Don’t forget to ask others where they also sell their scrap metal.
Prepare For The Best
When you finally figure out the best scenario of where to bring your scrap, it is a good idea to call the scrap yard before you go. If it is your first time going to this yard, call ahead to get their current prices over the phone and also ask them any questions you may have. One of the most important things to know is the procedure at that particular yard. Most yards have their own way of doing things, whether you have to unload or if they unload. Another option is if they have a drive up scale or a small scale. Knowing how to prepare your material for their yard and what to expect will get you in a out of their facility quicker. For more advice on preparing for the scrap yard check out this article.
Suggested Reading: Make Your Scrap Yard Trip Easy And Efficient
Get Organized

One way to maximize your scrap earnings is to organize your schedule and know the best options to collect more scrap. If you want to make some extra money from scrapping, taking out your calendar is a good idea. If you have your community calendar, there should be a garbage schedule there. With that information, you can schedule your scrap run routes in the area to look for bulk material.
Using your community’s schedule, you can plan your picking, separating, and unloading days at the scrap yard. Keep a look out for the bulk garbage days especially. These are the best days to find good items like appliances (fridges, dryers, washers, dishwashers, etc.) and electronics (TVs, workout equipment, etc.). Take a look at some more details and ideas when you are scheduling your scrap pickups.
Make Connections
An easy way to make more money is to collect more scrap! It can be hard to get more scrap when you seem to be doing the same pickups repeatedly. Instead, take time to expand your connections and get more clients for pickups and cleanouts. If you want to make more money, letting more people know about what you do will increase your chances of getting a phone call. If you have flyers or business cards created, hand them out to friends and family. They may have some scrap for pickup or may know someone who does. Marketing services will increase your chances of getting more scrap. Use some of these tips to market your scrap metal services.
Separate & Save
We say it a lot: SEPARATE. When dealing with multiple types of materials and scrap items, the most crucial tip we give is to separate. When you take the time to separate your Bare Bright copper wire from your Insulated Copper Wire or your steel from your aluminum, you are always bound to make more money. It goes back to my previous point about calling your scrap yard for their procedures. The more organized and separate your scrap is, the easier it is for everyone. You will better understand what materials you have and how much you have. Knowing the materials are separated, it will be easy for your scrap yard to weigh your materials properly and pay you the right price. Take the extra time to look into the particular materials you should be separating here.
That’s A Scrap-Wrap
Now that you know how to prepare your materials and do some homework to make more money on your scrap, it’s time to get started. Download the iScrap App and start finding the best scrap yard options out there for you. You can begin organizing your scrap metal and connections to collect more scrap. Good luck, and happy scrapping!