How to Scrap a Laptop: Easy Steps to Maximize Your Scrap Metal Profits

Laptops - scrap metal prices

If you want to recycle your laptop and scrap it for extra money, there are a few things to remember and ways to maximize profit at the scrap yard. Laptops don’t have a very long life if you use them as your everyday computer; on average, they last to their full potential for about five years.

Taking apart a laptop will not be worth your time and energy if you only have a few. You will probably lose money if you take apart one laptop for scrap. But if you have over ten laptops for scrap, separating and scraping them can be worth your time. Once you are ready to scrap a laptop, there are some things to do to prepare it for the scrap yard.

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6 Simple Steps on How to Scrap a Laptop for Profit

  1. Find a suitable yard. Some scrap yards don’t accept any form of e-scrap (electronic scrap), so check the iScrap App for current materials that yards in your area accept.
  2. Once you have found a yard that buys scrap laptops, check with them about their procedures. Some may not allow you to scrap the battery with them, so you may have to remove and recycle it elsewhere. If they accept laptops with the battery, ask if they buy them separately.
  3. Laptops are mostly made of plastic, but if you open up the bottom of a laptop, you can pull out the hard drive, motherboard, CPU chip, low-grade disc drive board, RAM boards, and small motor from the fan.
  4. If your laptop has a charger you can no longer use, be sure to scrap that, too. The wire can be classified with your insulated wire, and if there is a small transformer on the end, you can cut that and throw it in your transformer pile.
  5. Once you have removed these items, the laptop’s guts should be separated and sold separately at the scrap yard. They all have separate values, so be sure to check with your yard so you know what to expect.
  6. If you want to properly destroy the information on your hard drive, ask your scrap yard if they have certificates of destruction. Or you can take the matter into your own “hands” and smash it with a hammer.
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