How Does the Scrap Metal Recycling Industry Work?

Scrap metal recycling is the process of recovering and processing scrap metal from end-of-life items or structures and manufacturing scrap to use it as a raw material to manufacture new goods. Scrap metal may be recycled many times without losing any of its properties. It provides the raw material for new goods while emitting far less carbon and utilizing resources more efficiently than new materials.

When discussing scrap metal recycling, it’s crucial to distinguish between the two types of scrap metal: ferrous metal and non-ferrous. While ferrous metal contains some iron, non-ferrous metal does not. Nonferrous scrap includes lead, Aluminum, copper, nickel, zinc, tin, and others.

Advantages of Metal Recycling 

Aside from diverting waste from landfills, other significant advantages of metal recycling over virgin metal production include reduced energy usage and other resources. Recycled aluminum, for example, uses 95 percent less energy than new aluminum, while copper uses 90 percent less and steel uses 56 percent less. Furthermore, recycling one ton of steel saves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal, and 120 pounds of limestone from being used.

How Does a Scrap Metal Business Work?

A scrap yard, also known as a scrap metal recycler, is a facility that buys scrap metal and old or broken automobiles from businesses and individuals who need to get rid of them. The yard divides the scrap into numerous categories and either recycles the metal and sells it elsewhere or sells specific parts of the vehicles from the yard.

Suggested Reading: How Do Scrap Yards Work?

Scrap Yard Operations

People bring unwanted metals and automobiles to a scrap yard, where they are paid a fee based on the weight of the cargo. Metals are typically obtained through enterprises such as building or demolition firms, manufacturers, and government agencies. Anyone can sell their stuff in the yard as well.

After the scrap metal has been paid for, it is classified as ferrous, non-ferrous, electronics, or non-recyclable materials. Non-ferrous metals are non-magnetic and usually cost more; they could be metals like copper, brass, or aluminum. Ferrous metals are common metals like steel and iron, whereas non-ferrous metals are non-magnetic and usually cost more. Scrap yards set metal prices based on the market, which fluctuates like the stock market, so prices vary each time you go there.

Metal Recycling Process

Anything not stored in the scrap yard for individuals to scavenge and find is organized into bins and subsequently recycled. Scrap metal is crushed, divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals, melted down, and put into various molds in scrap metal processing plants. Metal recycling is extremely environmentally beneficial, as it takes 75 percent less energy to recycle waste metal than it does to create metal from raw materials. It also helps conserve natural resources by using what we already have.

What Services Do Scrap Yards Offer?

Every scrap yard is different, meaning they may perform scrap metal recycling on-site or outsource it to a larger recycling plant. Scrap metal recycling facilities offer de-pollution services, which ensure that hazardous products such as batteries are safe and ready to be recycled. Every scrap yard will sell reusable metal and machinery, so if you need a car part at a cheap price, here is the place to go. Also, scrap collection is available depending on the location, so you can pick up your scrap if you don’t have your trailer.

What Are Good Scrap Prices?

Scrap metal prices vary constantly based on current market prices. The type of material you have will depend on the cost per pound you receive. 

These average prices are current as of May 2024 and are subject to change at any time due to outstanding market conditions.

Suggested Reading: How Do Scrap Metal Prices Work

What Are the Most Valuable Things to Scrap?

You might be wondering what scrap metal is worth the most to sell right now if you want to generate money from old objects around your house. Below is a compiled list of nine items that consumers should think about scrapping for maximum profit:

1) Aluminium 

Aluminum is one of the most profitable scrap metals this year. It can be found in various sectors, including food cans, soda cans, siding, gutters, window frames, doors, and even automobiles!

Aluminum is one of the best possibilities for individuals who want to start scrapping metal because of its versatility and availability. When scrapped correctly at a recycling center, any aluminum you collect around your home – from soda cans to bicycles – will be worth something!

2) Copper

Copper is one of the most precious scrap metals found easily in your home. At the scrap yard, it’s always in high demand, so you’ll make a tidy profit.

Wires, pipelines, kitchen sinks, and fixtures are all copper. Because you’ll likely have some sitting about the house, it’s a perfect item to scrap for individuals just starting their re-model project or ripping down their home.

3) Brass

Brass Scrap - scrap metal prices

Brass is an excellent object to scrap, even if it isn’t as common in your home.

Brass can be found in various areas, such as bedsprings, door locks, candelabras, trophies, and hinges. However, because brass is frequently mixed with other metals, such as steel or aluminum, it’s critical to sort through your collection before sending it in for scrap so you know how much your items are worth.

4) Lead

Lead - scrap metal prices

Lead can be obtained from various sources, including pipes and pottery. If you’re seeking a quick approach to get rid of this stuff, look around your house, especially if it has ancient antiques or was built decades ago!

While lead is no longer utilized in newer products, it can still be found in ceiling fans, antique jewelry, children’s toys, light fixtures, and old paint cans. However, heavy metal is frequently combined with other metals, such as brass or copper, making it difficult to find independently.

Because pure lead is so challenging to come by, it is pretty profitable for scrap metal.

5) Stainless Steel

Because stainless steel is so easy to come by, it isn’t as valuable as other metals. Stainless steel is, in fact, one of the most frequent materials found in scrap yards. Refrigerators, antique microwaves, vehicles, and other appliances are made of stainless steel.

Before you sell your stainless steel, make sure it’s clean. If you sell it with stains or grease, you’ll probably get less money for it.

Stainless steel scrap metal is priced between £0.50 and £1.00 per kilogram.

6) Platinum Jewelry

Scrap platinum jewelry is quite valuable. It can be found in jewelry, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, and more. Platinum is prized for its resistance to oxidation, malleability, and lack of tarnish.

The scarcity of platinum, which can only be mined, keeps prices so high.

Platinum is used in laboratory equipment, automobile converters, medical testing devices, barware, cigarette boxes, and jewelry.

7) Used Appliances 

When deciding what to discard, don’t overlook major appliances!

Depending on its material, any device, from refrigerators and stoves to washers and dryers, could be one of the most expensive scrap items.

Scrapping these goods necessitates using heavy machinery, so ensure you have someone to help you move them before proceeding, or hire a scrapping firm to do it for you.

8) Old Tools

Do you have a collection of ancient tools in your garage? Sell them for scrap instead of tossing the trash. Tools, like other scrap metal products, have a high value based on the material they are composed of.

To obtain the most money for your equipment, ensure they’re clean, just like appliances.

9) Computer Parts

If you need to get rid of an old, bulky computer, sell it for scrap. While you can sell a computer tower as is, you’ll make more money if you disassemble it and sell the individual components for scrap.

You can also sell outdated computer-related cables or wires you no longer use. Cables are almost as valuable as computers in terms of scrap metal!

What Happens to Metal After It Goes to a Scrap Yard?

Scrap metal recycling is an essential thing you can do to help keep waste out of landfills and save energy and resources. Furthermore, individuals and businesses that recycle scrap metal might be compensated for the metal they bring in. Here’s all you need to know about what happens to the metal once it’s taken to a scrap yard.

The Metal Is Separated 

Metals are first separated from other substances. Wires are stripped of plastic coatings, and metal components are removed from products. After that, ferrous and non-ferrous metals are sorted using magnets.

The metals are next separated according to their type. This is done by examining the metals’ color and weight. Copper, for example, is yellowish-red, whereas aluminum is silver.

Finally, cleanliness is used to distinguish metals. It indicates whether the metal is pure or impure. Magnets and sensors such as infrared scanning and X-rays are used in an automated process.

The Metal Is Then Weighed

The metals are weighed after they have been separated to keep track of the pounds of metal gathered and processed. Weighing is also necessary to determine how much the scrap yard owes those selling metal.

Suggested Reading: Common Measurements in Scrap Metal Recycling

The Metal Is Processed

This leads us to the next step in the process: scrap metal processing. During this process, the metals are compressed and squeezed together to save space, and hydraulic machinery is used to cut them into smaller pieces.

Hydraulic machinery can cut large pieces of metal because it can produce enough pressure. This is because it uses a fluid flowing through motors and the machine to pressurize it.

Next, it is shredded into even smaller pieces by passing it through hammer mills. Shredding the metal makes melting easier, creating a larger surface-to-volume ratio when the pieces are smaller. 

The Metal Is Melted

The metal is now melted in a gigantic furnace. The furnace is customized because each metal requires a different amount of heat. Other metals have varied characteristics.

The time it takes to melt depends on the size of the metal and the furnace. It could take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. While energy is used in this process, it is significantly less than is required to extract new metals.

The Metal Is Purified

To ensure quality, the metals are purified from any contaminants.

One method of purification is electrolysis. In this process, an electric current is passed through the metal, and the pure metal is deposited at the cathode while the impure metals are dissolved.

The impure metal is an anode, and the pure metal is a cathode. The metal’s soluble salt is an electrolyte. These impurities, also known as anode mud, collect below the anode.

On the other hand, other metals must be passed under a strong magnet that can separate the metals.

The Metal Is Solidified

This is the final process the metal goes through before being sent out. First, chemicals are added to the melted metal to create the desired properties.

The melted metals are then put through a conveyor belt and sent to a cooling chamber to solidify them.

In a baling process, some metals are melted into sheets while others are into compacted blocks. This makes the production of new products easier for manufacturers.

The Metal Is Transported

Now that the metals are purified and solidified, it is time to send out the metal to manufacturing facilities. The solid metals are packaged and transported on trucks.

Manufacturers can then make brand-new products out of these metals. The products are then sold to consumers, and the process starts.

How Fast Does Metal Get Recycled?

Metal recycling is a tedious process with many steps that take a lot of time. Metals may be recycled over and over without losing their characteristics.

Old Is Gold

Please don’t throw away old items in your house since you can sell them for money. If you have scrap metal, a scrapper near you can likely pick it up from your home or business, and you’ll get pennies in return. The recycler will subsequently recycle the scrap metal and transform it into usable raw material to produce new items.

Other Valuable Resources:

Ready To Scrap Your Car?
