8 Tips To Avoid Scrap Yard Receipt Mistakes

Scrapping. It’s a great way to make some extra money on the side, or if you are full-time, it’s your way of living. Regardless of how often you are at the scrap yard, knowing the weights and what they mean on your receipts is essential. The iScrap App Team hears stories about how scrap yards deducted too much weight or didn’t give the correct item price. To avoid these problems and make the most money from your scrap, we have a few tips to remember when selling to your scrap yard.

What is Gross Weight?

When you bring a load to the scrap yard, the first number on the scale is your gross weight, which is everything totaled together in one weight.

For example, if you put a 5-gallon bucket full of brass on the scale and it reads “43”, your gross weight is 43lb.

Another example is if you have a truckload of light iron and pull it up onto the truck scale, and the weight is 7,360 pounds is also your gross weight.

What is Tare Weight?

Some scrap yards may label this as a “weight deduction,” but the weight of any non-metallic or non-scrap items is the tare weight.

For example, once the 5-gallon bucket is emptied of the brass and weighed, the number on the scale may be “2”; this is your tare weight.

Our other example is after you dump your light iron out of your truck, drive your truck back to the scale, and weigh in at 6,800 pounds; that is your tare weight.

If you don’t have any containers or vehicles to weigh your material in, such as placing a battery on the scale, you will not have a tare weight.

What is Net Weight?

This is the most critical weightNet weight is the difference of gross weight subtracted by tare weight. Your net weight is the weight you will be paid for your particular metal or material. This is the final weight that will be on your ticket, totaling how much you got paid by your yard.

Gross Weight – Tare Weight = Net Weight

For example, once you have weighed the bucket you carried your brass in and the tare weight is subtracted from your gross weight, your net weight will be 41lb. Your scrap yard will pay you for 41 pounds of brass.

43lb. (Gross Weight – Bucket & Brass) MINUS 2lb. (Tare Weight – Bucket Weight) = 41lb. (Net Weight – Weight of Brass)

Our other example is that once your tare weight for your truck is subtracted from your gross weight, you will have a total of 557lb of light iron, which is your net weight. You will be paid for 560lb of light iron.

7,360lb. (Gross Weight – Truck Loaded with Light Iron) MINUS 6,800lb. (Tare Weight – Truck Weight) = 560lb. (Net Weight – Weight of Light Iron)

Tips For Avoiding Weight Mistakes

Now that you understand gross, tare, and net weights, checking your receipt before leaving your scrap yard is essential. Depending on whether your yard uses a handwritten or computer system, your receipt may look a bit different than the one above, but the weights should clearly be marked.

Watch The Weights

As your material is being unloaded onto the scales, check the numbers on the scale. You should have a good indication of the weights before going to your scrap yard, so make sure those numbers you see on the scale are similar, if not the same.

Ask Your Yard About Scale Accuracy

If you feel the scales’ weights are incorrect, ask your yard if they ever get their scales tested and checked. It’s important to know, considering that is how you get paid.

Know The Laws

Check if your state requires certain laws for writing receipts and calculating payments. This can be helpful if your yard uses the wrong system to pay you and is not giving you the proper receipt.

Double Check Tare Weights

Make sure to check the gross and tare weights. Some scrap yards may estimate the tare weight on some of the items you bring your scrap in, so double-checking those numbers is a good idea. While, unfortunately, some yards will try to “cheat” with tare weights, some genuinely try to estimate the weight of a container or box when it’s brought in. Knowing the tare weights of your containers when you bring them to the yard is a good idea. If you use the same containers, be sure to clearly write the weights on them for your benefit.

Be Sure To Check The Math

After you have made sure the tare weights are correct, make sure the math from the gross and tare weights is correct to get the net weight. This is especially important when yards are hand-writing their receipts. If a scale manager does the math independently or even uses a calculator, they could mess up and write down the incorrect weight.

Check Any Deductions

Besides the tare weight, see if there are any other deductions the scrap yard adds to your receipt. If metals are mixed or dirty with steel, you may see a deduction on your receipt. This is also important for any pick-up jobs you are working on. If a yard charges for trucking fees or transportation fees, there could be a deduction on your receipt.

Check Materials & Metals

Just like the weight numbers on your receipt, it’s also important to check that the metals are classified correctly when priced on your receipt. Some yards may classify a material differently than you or another scrap yard you go to, so it’s important to make sure you are getting paid for the correct metals.

Suggested Reading: Is It “OK” To Cheat The Scrap Yard?

When In Doubt, Ask

If you have a question or your receipt shows a discrepancy, double-check it before bringing it to your yard. Make sure your math is correct, and the metals are priced correctly. It’s a good idea to check your receipts in your vehicle before leaving the yard. Once you have determined if there is a mistake or if you have a question, bring it to your scale manager (who helped you) and ask them your question.

Don’t assume they made any mistakes intentionally; that will lead to a heated discussion. Ask for an explanation, and then, if you still feel there is a problem, ask to speak to their manager. If you feel they cannot answer or help you in the long run, it may be time to search for another yard in the area to deal with.