8 Most Common Items You Can Scrap For Copper Wire

How to separate your scrap

When scrapping different materials and items, you will often find scrap copper wire that can be removed from the equipment and separated into scrap later. Whether you scrap your insulated copper by itself or take time to strip it, make sure to set it aside, as it can be valuable for your scrap metal profits.

Copper is one of the most sought-after materials in the scrap metal industry. It is used in various things, such as plumbing, electrical components, structural material, decorative design, etc. So, refining your search to some of the most common places where you will find copper wire will help you save time and money by scraping more efficiently.

Where To Find Scrap Copper Wire

  1. TVs & MonitorsMany scrap yards don’t accept any monitors due to the difficulty of recycling them. However, almost all monitors and TV screens have wires attached. These wires can be snipped off and added to your insulated wire pile. They can be found out of the TV and computer monitors base. The smaller transformers found on wires can also be cut off and separated for a different scrap value.
  2. Inside ElectronicsMany electronics have wires on the outside that can be cut off, but once you open them up and take them apart, you will find the more insulated wire. In some items like VCRs, DVD players, Laptops, and more, you will discover thinner insulated copper wires running throughout. You can usually cut these out with thin nose pliers or scissors and put them in the same pile as the wires from your monitors. These copper wires are often classified as regular insulated or computer wires at the scrap yard.
  3. ComputersWhile we mentioned you can cut wires off computer monitors, you can also find a good amount of insulated wire inside desktop towers. Once you take apart a desktop computer tower for the boards, hard drives, and more inside, you can separate the insulated wires. There will usually be different types of wire inside, some ribbon wire and thin-insulated connectors.
  4. Large AppliancesRefrigerators, freezers, dryers, washer machines, dishwashers, and other large appliances are great to find when collecting steel loads. But before you start to dump these large items in the yard, be sure to cut off those wires from the back. Inside oversized items like ovens and fridges, you will often find thicker insulated wire (needed for more power), and your weight can add up quickly.
  5. Small AppliancesSmaller items inside your house that may break can also have a good amount of copper wire inside. Coffee makers, AC Units, Fans, Blenders, Toasters, and more all have insulated wires inside and on the outside of them.
  6. Small ElectronicsCell phones, cameras, handheld games, and other small electronics that need regular charging are good places to find insulated wires. If one of these items has died, collect all those charging wires and stations to add to your insulated copper pile.
  7. Extension CordsIf extra or broken extension cords are around, you can collect them for copper wire for your scrap yard. Extension cords are usually priced with regular wire, but they can add a large volume to your total weight.
  8. Computer Servers—They aren’t as easy to come by compared to the above items for copper wire. If you get your hands on some computer servers, they can yield much more wire than regular computers. Also, check with your scrap yard if they grade computer wires differently than insulated wires.

*BONUS TIP*: Cut off the plugs from the ends while scrapping these insulated wires from electronics. Many of the plugs can be pulled out by pliers and added to your Brass pile.

You Found Some Wire, Now What? Strip It For Bare Bright Copper!

Now that you have collected different insulated copper wires in one pile, it can be very tempting to strip them all for the bare bright copper inside. It isn’t a bad idea to strip your wire, but also consider how much weight you have. If you have a large quantity (over 100 pounds), striping them could be worth your time. But if you don’t have much (less than 100 pounds), it may not be worth your time to strip them, as removing the insulation will lose much of the material’s weight.

Your Guide for Buying A Wire Stripper →

To check the current scrap price for your insulated copper wire price, download the iScrap App, check the national averages, and search for your local scrap yard. If your local scrap yard doesn’t list their current scrap prices, you can view the regional prices or give them a call for their price. Always be sure to have a handy pair of scissors on hand. You never know when you could use them to clip off some insulated wire.

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09/09/2024 05:18 pm GMT

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